Hey Co-Worker: Stop Ignoring My Damn Emails
Your rudeness and incompetence does not go unnoticed
Imagine for a second that we know each other personally and we work in the same office. I come up to you in the cafeteria and say hello and how’s it going, before trying to talk to you about something I need from you in order to complete a task. Something that is in your job description and well within your capabilities. We work together all the time, so this wouldn’t be a surprise or unwelcome in any way.
Now imagine that instead of talking to me, you look straight at me, then turn and walk away without saying a word.
In literally every culture in the world, acting in such a way would be considered rude as shit. Even for a movie character who is the supposed “cool guy”, acting in that kind of way wouldn’t be seen as funny, it would be used to show him as a total douche on the way to him getting his comeuppance.
And yet, every day in the business world, this happens with emails. I’ve literally lost count of the amount of times that I’ve sent someone an email only to have it flat out ignored. It’s legitimately a regular occurrence not just for me, but for a bunch of people I know, to the point that I find myself wondering what the hell is going on in the world, because there always seems to be an excuse…