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5 Supplements worth your money in 2020

Higher performance for athletes or anyone looking to up their game


Being an athlete my entire life and now a coach, supplements are something I’ve been asked about more times than I can count. Every year it seems there is something new and shiny on the market, because let’s face it, in an industry that is completely unregulated, why wouldn’t the companies be trying to put new stuff out all the time, even when it’s of questionable effectiveness? Call something a “proprietary blend” and you don’t even have to say what’s in it, you just tell customers how awesome it is and watch the money roll in.

There is so much shit out there in the market right now, and the reality is that over 90% of what’s on the shelves is garbage that won’t do anything for you. That 10% though, when you know what to look for, can make a significant difference to how you feel on a daily basis. Most of it has to do with deficiencies, because due to most people’s diet, they are deficient in any number of vitamins and minerals. Once they start supplementing and restoring those levels to normal, the change is unmistakable.

The supplements below are the only ones I consider worth my time and money, and therefore, worth your time and money. Again and again they’ve proven themselves over my athletic career spanning two decades, both to me and those I have coached, in addition to being backed by the research. I’d recommend you go and get a blood test that checks for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, because it will tell you exactly what you’re lacking and where to focus your effort. Don’t just run to the vitamin store and stock up, because you could be throwing good money down the toilet.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency has some pretty serious consequences, which is why when you supplement and bring those levels back up, you notice big changes:

  • Compromised immunity — you get sick more often
  • Fatigue
  • Bone loss
  • Depression
  • Impaired wound healing
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle pain

Ever notice how everyone seems to have much more energy once the weather starts…

